Friday, 1 January 2016


Prabhupada once said that devotees are like bomber pilots. During the war the Air Force would be careful not to loose its bomber pilots. The country had put so much energy into training each one of those pilots that to loose one was a great loss-they were practically irreplaceable.

ISKCON trained devotees are  supposed to be like bomber pilots: so much experience in devotional service, so many skills, so much devotion cultivated.

ISKCON should really be concerned for the welfare of their devotees: if someone is having difficulty, how to hold on to him/her, and if someone has left, how to bring him/her back.

When devotees have left their services, they should not discourage them by treating them like outcasts. No matter their offenses or mistakes, Krsna can forgive them. Therefore, devotees too should be forgiving and helpful. There is a difference between forgiveness and hiding/protecting a perpetrator. Devotees need to understand the difference, if someone is being hurt, the persons responsible need to be reported to legal authorities and the victims need to be protected. Forgiveness does not refer to protecting persons who are causing others unnecessary suffering. Devotees should be forgiving, they should also protect those who are in need and not push them aside. Otherwise, if a person thinks he/she must keep away, his/her chanting and fellowship with devotees may stop.

A genuine spiritual movement should forgive and encourage, but should also report abuse and any illegal activity so to protect the innocent. Sometimes devotees, because of their own mistakes or events beyond their control, may leave the association of the other devotees and the ISKCON temples. If devotees who have left are treated at this crucial time as "outcasts" or "fringies" and not treated with kindness, they may become bitter or disgruntled and lose faith. One devotee complained that after having made a mistake, no devotees visited nor has he/she received any correspondence from them. As a result grew disillusioned and said, "I want to see good, moral and happy examples of people in daily life, with their friends, families, and disciples. Not just so-called good classes from high seats."

Srila Prabhupada told his disciples that they would not become contaminated by extending themselves to nondevotees. So shouldn't they extend themselves even more to followers of Krsna consciousness who have temporarily strayed away. As they offer Krsna consciousness to newcomers by giving them Srila Prabhupada's books and inviting them to Hare Krsna temples, restaurants, and festivals, how much more shouldn't they befriend those who have already served Krsna but been labelled as "fallen".

This may be the best way to fulfill one of Srila Prabhupada's last requests: "Your love for me will be shown by how you cooperate among yourselves."

ISKCON is not the only movement that practices spiritual life, devotees that left the movement may not necessarily be fallen either, how do they know, who are they to judge?

I myself am such an outcast and personally know of many practicing devotees outside of ISKCON.....some got burnt in the movement but a few continued to practice on their own outside the movement on their own terms without fear of judgement and belittlement. They are respectful and even though ISKCON has mistreated these individuals, many have forgiven and still show kindness to ISKCON devotees, they have such devotion and love for the Lord, it is actually a breath of fresh air being around them.

It is unfortunate what many of us 'outcasts' have been through, I myself have been told to my face and in writing to leave the movement as a result of trying to make a difference. For many years I have been silenced and called abominable names for trying to speak out. My husband is protected by devotees and gurus despite the atrocities he performs and the hardship I had to endure, nobody came to my physical aid when I was in dire need. I was literally homeless with no possessions and no money and yet almost everyone I approached in ISKCON during that time turned their backs when I pleaded for help. A lady I trusted as my very own sister, a mother of two, thinking that she would be my saving grace and receive me with open arms with empathy, love and compassion also ignored my pleas. Likewise, I received the same rejection from a number of other ladies within the movement, some of whom are Srila Prabhupada disciples and some were patrons, all of which were considered senior devotees all ignored my pleas for help.

There I was, on the street, nowhere to go, living in a foreign country with no family within reach, no money, no food and believing that ISKCON was my spiritual family, surely devotees would come to my aid, or so I thought, however my pleas fell on deaf ears.

What type of devotees are these? We refer to ladies in the movement as 'Matajis' or mothers. Mothers? They are not worthy of such a title, mother means caring, loving, compassionate and merciful! My mother would never turn her back on me, would yours? For devotees, think about Mother Yasoda (Lord Krishna's Mother), She is a prime example of a true mother and I doubt She would have turned Her back on a lady in need.

Likewise what type of men are in the Hare Krsna movement, also unworthy of the high praise and title of 'Prabhu' which means master. Master? Men are suppose to be protectors and brave, if they see anyone in trouble, especially women, they should immediately stand up for her, protect her without a second thought! That is a real man, someone who doesn't act as a coward in the face of danger and protects those who are in need and doesn't wait around to be asked first!

Brothers and sisters are meant to stand by your side and pick you up when you are down, give you comfort and be a friend. I must mention here that there were a handful of sincere devotees who showed kindness. Literally a handful I could count on a hand, they offered their prayers, however, even though I am grateful for their prayers, what I desperately needed was legal help, money and accommodation but sadly, that was not on offer. I cannot fault the friendship they offered, which was literally a lifesaver at the time, I was struggling so much, their kind words and prayers literally kept me from taking drastic measures to ending the constant turmoil I was experiencing. A devotee helped by writing a brief letter to University, outlining the facts of my marital status, but informed me that he cannot offer me any legal advice and does not get involved with devotees' personal affairs. Disappointing? Yes absolutely, but maybe there were legalities that I am not aware of which limited his involvement, or how much he was able to offer. I do know that if I was in that position, I would have done everything that was within my power and capabilities to help a struggling woman in clear desperate need of help, money should not be an issue, as a fellow member of an organisation they are supposed see one another as brothers and sisters, what use are professional qualifications if not to be used for helping those in need! But I am very grateful for the drafted letter nonetheless, even though I had it sworn and stamped by separate, independent solicitors, it still provided the University with the evidence they required.

Just like myself, there are many hundreds of thousands of others in the movement facing incredible difficulties, women, children and the elderly are especially vulnerable. Abuse comes in many forms, all of which leaves permanent mental scars, to be told 'you are not this body' or 'it is your karma', only makes it worse for those suffering. The worst is that abuse and molestation is common knowledge within the Hare Krsna movement, but devotees choose to turn a blind eye. Out of sight, out of mind!

My real saviours were non devotees, they came to my physical aid, as soon as I reached out to persons the devotees term 'karmis' (a derogative term to describe non devotees) or whom I prefer to address as genuine realists, once they heard the details of my circumstances, they took immediate action. They were making arrangements within minutes of hearing my plight for accommodation, medical assistance, funds, legal assistance, all basic necessities, counselling and, once I regained my strength, employment. I required medical attention as I was  suffering with a condition called facet joint syndrome, a condition where the cartilage between my spinal bones had worn away and were causing excruciating pain as a result of the vertebrae rubbing together. Where devotees have failed me, the realists saved my physical life and mental state! I will write a more detailed post on my personal struggles within the Hare Krsna movement in another post.

I believe that devotees should not judge others...

They do not know the spiritual platform others are on...

To me the title 'devotee' is of high distinction. Those who strictly practice a certain monastic lifestyle to strengthen and obtain saintly qualities and places the needs of others before their own, to uphold religious principles at all costs, to protect the innocent and to be compassionate. A devotee doesn't shy away when faced with injustice, they should act like lions in the face of danger, protect the weak at all costs.

Anybody can put on a dress but how many have true devotion, love or even practice what they preach?

What is more important...appearances or what’s in the heart?

It is time that devotees climb down from their high pedestals they have created and stop pointing the finger at others but take a good look at themselves!

Yes there are some who are genuinely compassionate and show true qualities befitting an aspiring devotee of the Lord, but that is but a mere handful, a change is needed, it is time to weed out the wolves so that the real devotees can reclaim their society! It may be too late for some like myself, but that will not stop me from fighting the good fight to see justice prevail. Only once there is true transparency and openness, only then can there be room for change, but for that to materialise, devotees need to stand together, come forward and speak out. I may no longer be a part of the movement but I will continue my battle in exposing the wolves posing in sheep's clothing, even if I only help one person or even help inspire one person to come forth and speak their mind, then my efforts have not been in vain. To stand alone, my mission is difficult and the path filled with obstacles, but if we stand together, we are indestructible and have the power to make a difference. We do not need to be practising devotees or part of the movement to make a difference, just knowing that our intervention will be helping save many others from unnecessary suffering is all the inspiration required. So lets stand together and make our voices heard, it is never too late to make a difference!

written by an Ex-Hare Krishna devotee